Friday, July 9, 2010

Lost Plot

I am on chapter fourteen, over halfway through the book, and I am still not clear on the complete plot or theme of the novel. So far I've met and experienced many different characters interacting with the narrator (Jake Barnes), but no certain conflict really jumps off the page. The only one I have an idea about is Brett. The way she interacts with specific MALE characters is rather charming and risque. I'm wondering who this sly beauty will end up with at the end of the story. Will she marry Mike Campbell? Will she continue her affair with Robert Cohn? Or will she be with her true love Jake Barnes? I can turn this novel into something romantic that interests me. Hey, isnt that what a good reader is supposed to do? :p

1 comment:

  1. I struggled with this book as well because the plot is not a clear-cut. But I do think that Brett is a key.
