Thursday, July 8, 2010

Brett and Jake 101

Alright I am confused again! Brett Ashley is introduced in chapter three and leaves the resturant with Jake, whom she supposedly has history with. The author does not come right out and reveal anything about Brett and Jake, so we are left to decipher their conversation in the beginning of chapter four on pages 33, 34, and 35.
"Don't you love me?" (Jake)
"Love you? I simply turn all to jelly when you touch me." (Brett)
"Isn't there anything we can do about it?" (Jake)
"....I don't want to go through that hell again.." (Brett)
"We better keep away from each other." (Jake)

They continue to talk and kiss. My question is what is the history behing all their "heartache". And why is it impossible for them to be together since she is getting a divorce? More confusing French etiquette I guess.

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