Monday, December 6, 2010

"Stand By Me"

---------> My favorite quote in the movie! These kids are sooo funny! :)

There are not many differences between plots, but a rather significant difference of structure. In the novella, the narrator stops the action to tell a small story describing the time period or discussing a character. In the film, less interruptions are made. This helps the movie to progress much faster than the story, allowing the audience to follow along more effectively. Other than this difference, the plot is kept almost identical to the story. As I watching, I realized that "Stand By Me" is nearly word-for-word "The Body." I enjoyed this because I picked up on little things in the dialogue that I had not before.

The point of view of a story and a film always differ in that it's two different modes of viewing. Similar to the story, Gordie is the narrator reflecting on his childhood memory in the summer of 1959 (small difference: the story said it took place in 1960!) Since movies do not have the constant descriptive set aside to help move along the story, Gordie's point of view is needed much less than in "The Body." Due to this elimination, I think the point of view is allowed to be much broader. We get more insight on how the other characters feel and react just by seeing their facial expressions. Gordie's point of view is more convincing because the audience can "see" for themselves.

The two differences I found within the characterization have to do with Chris Chambers, and Ace and his "followers." In "The Body" Chris is characterized as a "tough guy" and a sort of rebel. In the movie, we are shown something much different. Chris IS in fact tough, but not to the extent the reader will most likely perceive. Chris shows himself as caring and of the best friends the guys have. He also seems extremely more mature than the other three in the gang. Ace and his "followers" are characterized in the film and not so much in the novella. We catch a glimpse of them at the end when they attempt to steal the fame and recover the body, but not in the beginning of the story. Throughout the movie, the scene switches to them and their activities.

In "Stand By Me" the setting is centrally located in Castle Rock, Oregon in the summer of 1959. In "The Body" the setting is centrally located in Castle Rock, MAINE in the summer of 1960. In my opinion, these minor differences are insignificant to the theme or plot of either story. Also, the setting moves from present (the narration of Gordie as a writer looking back) to past (the central part of the plot) less than in "The Body." One of my favorite things about the film was that the setting fit the description perfectly. The movie was exactly how I had pictured everything in my head while I read the short story.

There is nothing different I can analyze between the story and the film in terms of the theme. In both occurrances, the theme lies within the friendships and connections made between the four that summer. Like in "The Body", the film depicts Gordie and Chris' friendship being prominently stronger. This lies within both stories because I believe it sums up the theme. I do believe, though, that the title "Stand By Me" illustrates the theme better than the title of the novella ("The Body"). "Stand By Me" is exactly how I would describe the bonds made between the boys throughout the course of that summer in 1959...(or 1960).

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