Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Interpreter of Maladies

This short story incorporates an important theme of settling for less. At the beginning, both Mrs. Das and Mr. Kapasi show signs such as boredem that may cause the readers to make inferences about their lives. It can be infered that these two characters might be annoyed or bothered by the way things are progressing for them..maybe a lack of adventdure, fun, or even love and lust. Later, Mrs. Das directly states (pg 162) the things in her life that have gone wrong. She claims she is extremely unhappy with her situation. Both of these characters act this way, but nothing is really done by either of them to escape their troubled lifestyle. If it were me, I would go off and find something better to do with my life than wallow in self-pity. Maybe they feel that they have certain obligations to uphold where they are now.

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