Thursday, September 16, 2010

Backwards Allusion

The poem "Dream Deferred" does not contain an allusion, but I believe it is alluded to in one of the most famous speeches in United States history. Martin Luther King's speech ("I have a dream..") contained a dream very similar to the one Langston Hughes speaks about. The poem was written in 1926, while the speech was given much later in the late 1960's. In my opinion, Martin Luther King used the poem as a basis for his speech, the speech that led America to eqaulity. The similies Hughes used to describe the dream -- "smells like rotten meat", "dry up", "fester like a sore", and "weighs us down like a heavy load." The struggle with the civil rights movement seems almost perfectly similar to what the poem describes. My overall question..does the great Martin Luther King Jr. allude to Langston Hughes' poem?

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