Thursday, January 27, 2011

Question #4

Shakespeare has written "Othello" by making every separate act a different aspect of Iago's masterful, evil plan. It is written so that Iago doesn't reveal his complete and total plan right away. He reveals his motivations, but not his plan. The fact that Iago's plan slowly plays out from act to act, ensures that dramatic suspense is created. Also, it is a tragedy. In most of Shakespeare's tragedies, people are dropping like flies all throughtout from beginning to end. As "Othello" drags on, the audience is constantly wondering when someone is going to die. In my opinion, it makes the story much easier and enjoyable to read. The longer it takes for major action to occur, the more and more the audience expects it, the more and more they want to get to the end to find out the outcome.

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